A Part From Monument
I found some parts of an animal sculpture which used to be a symbol of one organization were abandoned in an old brass factory out of Bangkok. They were damaged and could not be repaired anymore. They very interesting thing was once it was the symbol which people prayed with high respect. It was made by human a long time ago so, I wanted to recycle it. As an artist and a designer, I wanted to make some new beneficial deigns for our contemporary age. I did not renovate it, but I choose to cut off the damaged parts and gave the life back to the remaining. I also want to change the old look of this sculpture as a symbolic animal on an altar and far from touching to be a useful thing for human.
I believed that if I still repair these old damaged parts, they were still hard to do. The truth is these parts had already collapsed in human’s feeling because they were completely forgotten. Even I try to make them back the same, none of any sculptures can get over human’s heart. As a man in this contemporary age, I would like to present you an alternate way of cultural recycling. I still remained some parts from history in a new way as I am working with ideas from people and various attitudes today.